Oz Alashe MBE
Welcome and Introductions
“By bringing together the community, focusing on the research and the evidence, and then looking to apply the research and the evidence in order to have an impact, that’s where we will have an exponential effect.”
With the rapid growth of technology and the threats that come along it, Oz stressed the importance of exploring new research and helping the cyber security field to achieve more. At #IMPACT2021, the intersection of research and practice will be shared by well-leading academics. Human behaviour is complex, and we wouldn’t be here today if changing one’s cyber-secure behaviour was as easy as simply providing information and training. By bringing the IMPACT community together, from academia to policymakers, focusing on the evidence is one way to move things forward and faster.
At CybSafe, we build software that helps influence security decisions and security behaviours, which help organisations understand whether it’s having the impact they wanted to have and the risk reduction as they would expect.
More about Oz
Oz Alashe MBE is the CEO & Founder of CybSafe. He has been the driving force behind CybSafe – the concept, vision and platform. Oz is a former Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army and UK Special Forces.
His background gives him a unique insight into the socio-technical realities of cyber security and the sensitivities around changing human behaviour.