Impact 2020: Replay

Welcome and introductions
Oz Alashe MBE, CybSafe

Keynote: Prof Phil Morgan
Professor of Human Factors and Cognitive Science at Cardiff University & Technical Lead in Cyber Psychology at Airbus
Leaving the fence: Research on making cyber security decisions

Economic metrics supporting cyber security investment decision-making
Dr Yulia Cherdantseva, Cardiff University, COMSC

Converged security: Building the evidence base
Emma Boakes, University of Portsmouth

Motivating Jenny: Creating a sense of security in development practice
Prof Helen Sharp, The Open University
Acorns to oak trees: Research on changing cyber security behaviours

Comparing the effectiveness of authority, fear, humour and peer influence as behaviour change mechanisms in information security: A pilot experiment
Prof Marco Cinnirella, Royal Holloway, University of London

Save the World (Wide Web) – An emotional inoculation against online harms
Prof Danny Dresner, University of Manchester; Nicholas Ponsillo, University of Chester & Dr Victoria Baines, University of Oxford

Improving cyber threat reporting: Creating a cyber security culture through teamwork
Steven Kemp, University of Girona and Crímina Research Centre for the Study and Prevention of Crime
Keeping secrets: Research on safeguarding intimate personal data

How private is your period?
Laura Shipp, Royal Holloway, University of London

Regulatory and standardization challenges for connected and intelligent medical devices
Jan Sassenberg & Gabriella Ezeani, University College London

Cumulative revelations in personal data
Dr Emma Nicol, University of Strathclyde
Into the unknown: Research on out-of-bounds cyber security issues

Security challenges in UK military AI innovation
Amy Ertan, Royal Holloway, University of London

Understanding online groups: A case study into the Anonymous collective
Keenan Jones, University of Kent

Keynote: Pete Cooper
Deputy Director, Cyber Defence at Cabinet Office