Impact 2021: Replay
Welcome and Introductions

Oz Alashe MBE

Emma W
Senior Representative (People-centric security), National Cyber Security Centre
Why are people, and couldn’t they just not? Proving the value of empathetic security, in the front lines of NCSC Comms
Changing minds, changing behaviour – Research on security behaviours

George Raywood-Burke
Cardiff University
Human individual difference predictors in cyber-security: modelling cyber secure behaviour using an alternative scale method

Simon Parkin
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
You have left me no choices: security economics to inform behaviour intervention support in organizations
To boldly go where no one has gone before – Research on actors in cyber space

Amel Attatfa
Abertay University
Cyber diplomacy: diplomatic action in international relations on cyber space

Lynne Coventry
Northumbria University
Security is caring: improving cybersecurity culture in healthcare
Winning from home – Research on security behaviour at home

Sarah Turner
The University of Kent
When Googling it doesn’t work: the challenge of finding security advice for smart home devices

Amy Ertan
Royal Holloway (University of London)
Remote working and (in)security?
A problem shared is a problem halved – Research on sharing best practice amongst at-risk communities

Yulia Cherdantseva
Cardiff University
A best practice guide for SMEs on cyber security investment decision-making

James Nicholson
Northumbria University
Spreading cybersecurity best practice in communities

Jeff Larson
Verizon Media