Joseph Da Silva

The purpose of a CISO
A look through the lenses of identity, power, and masculinity
Joseph Da Silva has recently completed his doctoral studies part-time at Royal Holloway, University of London and is a full-time CISO at RS Group plc.
His research has focused on the purpose of CISOs within commercial organisations and he has published a number of papers based on this work that employ multiple sociological lenses to highlight broader social perspectives on cyber-security practice
Presentation overview
Dedicated cyber-security functions are common in commercial businesses, which are confronted by threats of data breaches and other perilous security events. Such functions are often led by a Chief Information Security Ocer (CISO).
Based on an in-depth study of 18 UK-based, but predominantly multinational, businesses, and through the application of multiple theoretical lenses, Joe will discuss the important role that cyber security plays in business identity, being both a threat to, and a constituent of, that identity.
The study also shows that the CISO’s own identity is conflicted and contradictory and proposes a metaphor of soothsaying that provides further insight into the role. In addition, he will present how cyber security is implicated and indexed in concepts of power, control and masculinity.