IMPACT 2024 USA white
Impact USA 2024 Julie Haney

From ivory tower to real world

Building bridges between research and practice in human-centered cybersecurity

Dr Julie Haney, Human-Centered Cybersecurity Program Lead, NIST

Impact USA 2024 Oz Alashe

Panel Discussion

Our panel discuss the topics covered in the preceding presentations. They’ll analyse the themes, and share what they see as most important takeaways for how the ideas can be applied in the work place.

Moderator – Oz Alashe, CEO, CybSafe

Debby Briggs, VP, CISO, NETSCOUT

Donald McFarlane, Cybersecurity Consultant, McFarlane Associates LLC

Sasha Romanosky, Senior Policy Researcher, RAND

Impact USA 2024 Josiah

Shooting yourself in the fortress

How we sabotage ourselves with misguided views on human behavior

Dr Josiah Dykstra, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Trail of Bits

Impact USA 2024 Rick Wash

Rethink or sink

Unravelling the human side of phishing detection

Dr Rick Wash, Associate Professor of Information, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Impact USA 2024 Michelle Mazurek


The security advice fiasco

A rallying cry for experts, practitioners, and researchers

Dr Michelle Mazurek, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Maryland

Impact USA 2024 Oz Alashe

Panel Discussion

Our panel discuss the topics covered in the preceding presentations. They’ll analyse the themes, and share what they see as most important takeaways for how the ideas can be applied in the work place.

Moderator – Oz Alashe, CEO, CybSafe

Juhi Ramireddi, Engineering Manager, Product Security, Peloton Interactive

Josh Gordon, Manager, Security Services, Steward Health Care System

Lisa Plaggemier, Executive Director, National Cyber Security Alliance

IMPACT 2024 UK white
Impact UK 2024 Clare Patterson

From “Arghh!!” to “Ahaa!”

The power of incident learning

Clare Patterson, Researcher, University of Kent

Impact UK 2024 Tai Durojaiye

A revolution, please!

Reforming cyber culture in higher ed

Dr Tai Durojaiye, Researcher & Information security consultant, Royal Holloway University of London

Impact UK 2024 Ola Michalec

Securing the future

Sociotechnical security by design – insights from the energy sector

Dr Ola Michalec, Research Fellow, RISCS & The University of Bristol

Impact UK 2024 Daniel Dresner

7 lessons from the 1950s

Moving beyond train-the-user and buy-this-tech

Prof Danny Dresner, Professor of Cyber Security, University of Manchester

Impact UK 2024 Lynne Coventry v2


Wicked problems need wicked solutions

Understanding cybersecurity’s unique complexities for a better future

Prof Lynne Coventry, Director: cyberQuarter, Abertay University