Dr Ola Michalec
Research Fellow, The University of Bristol/RISCS
Securing the future
Sociotechnical security by design – insights from the energy sector
Dr Ola Michalec is a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, affiliated with RISCS. A qualitative social scientist by background, she is interested in policies and politics of digital innovations and critical infrastructures. Ola’s research informs key policy developments across the NCSC, Cabinet Office and Ofgem. Her collaborations with designers and artists were exhibited at the V&A Museum as a part of Digital Design Weekend 2023.
Presentation overview
The Research Institute for Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS) is funded by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and hosted at the University of Bristol. RISCS is the UK’s first academic research institute to focus on understanding the overall cyber security of organisations, including their constituent technologies, people, and processes. This session explores the importance of robust futures thinking to ‘Sociotechnical Cyber Security by Design’ as demonstrated on a case study of energy industry digitalisation.